Its difficult to say if its worth reading.
Its a question of personal taste.
I read it in two days.
I even got up in the middle of the night to finish it.
i've only got to chapter five were its talking about a brain washing cult, i think... hmm sure your talking about catholics?.
is this a book worth reading anyone?.
any others you would recomend?
Its difficult to say if its worth reading.
Its a question of personal taste.
I read it in two days.
I even got up in the middle of the night to finish it.
this video is geared towards witnesses that are willing to listen to all sides:.
Thanks for the link RP. I was in in 1979 but never picked up on those quotes. many others I guess.
i've only been in the truth from a distance.
family not in.
studied for years back and forth.
Yes, thats just about it. They dont stop talking to you, but you will not be invited to extra corricular events, no socialising, no going to their house for a meal etc. ( maybe not a bad thing actually)
You are not named. The idea is that IF someone knows its about you, then they'll mark you. If they dont know who the talk is meant for, then they go around asking lots of questions until they do . ( sorry, a bit of cynicism there. JWs dont gossip)
[please forgive my math in this post.
it is very inexact and used mainly as examples.].
as many of you should know, i have a rather large axe to grind with regards to jehovah's witnesses.
"which would suggest it is possible that the Jehovah's Witnesses actually have FEWER child molesters/victims
than should normally be found in an organization of such size"
It is not necessarily a question of if there are fewer or more.
It is the coverups by an organisation who critisises others ( Catholics for example) for doing the same.
They present a holier than thou attitude,
actively preaching that they are better than other religions,
giving this as evidence that THEY are the true religion.
in the thread about the wt in russia, maze made the assertions below.. .
jehovah's witnesses as an organization acts as a protection to the family unit.
andthe lie that jehovah's witnesses ruin families is apostate poison.. to aviod derailing that thread, i ask maze to defend them here.. my experience is that the jw religion destroyed my brothers' marriage.
I used to preach like Maze.
Its only once you're outside that you realize that the company line is false.
With them, its always somebody elses fault.
Keeping a family together is a question of compromising from time to time.
Jehovahs witnesses cannot do that. They are not allowed.
there was a report on the tv last night about a pakistani christian woman sentenced to death.
for blaspheming the prophet ( mohamed i suppose).. she was working in the fields with two muslims.
it was hot and she had a drink of water.. she offered some to the two muslims but they would not drink from the same cup as a christian.
Bangalore, thanks for the above link.
I wonder though if she has really been pardoned:
the article you site was dated Nov 2010, however, other sites speak of a day of prayer for her on 20 april 2011.
for example.
there was a report on the tv last night about a pakistani christian woman sentenced to death.
for blaspheming the prophet ( mohamed i suppose).. she was working in the fields with two muslims.
it was hot and she had a drink of water.. she offered some to the two muslims but they would not drink from the same cup as a christian.
They do however, preach, with a certain smug satisfaction, that Jehovah is going to anihilate several billion people.
Take the time to look closely at some of the WT images.
Do whatever you want, but I'm sure that,
NO ONE READS your very long posts.
Try and be more succinct.
my last visit to kingdom hall was on memorial day.
since then i have decided skip to meetings and preaching.
the co and his wife visited my congo in the last week of april.
Continue you're passive resistance. They'll keep coming to "help" you at first,( grit your teeth....) but little by little , that will slow down.
Keep pleading overworked. I bet no one will offer to come and give you a hand.
my last visit to kingdom hall was on memorial day.
since then i have decided skip to meetings and preaching.
the co and his wife visited my congo in the last week of april.
20571 is really sister A.